

$ cldi help
cldi 0.4.0
Rivtower Technologies <>
The command line interface to interact with CITA-Cloud


    -c, --context <context>       context setting
    -r <controller-addr>          controller address
    -e <executor-addr>            executor address
    -u <account-name>             account name
    -p <password>                 password to unlock the account
        --crypto <crypto-type>    The crypto type of the target chain [possible values: SM, ETH]
    -h, --help                    Print help information
    -V, --version                 Print version information

    get            Get data from chain
    send           Send transaction
    call           Call executor
    create         create an EVM contract
    context        Context commands
    account        Account commands
    admin          The admin commands for managing chain
    rpc            Other RPC commands
    ethabi         Ethereum ABI coder.
    bench          Simple benchmarks
    watch          Watch blocks
    completions    Generate completions for current shell. Add the output script to `.profile`
                   or `.bashrc` etc. to make it effective.
    help           Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)